7 Common Stumbling Blocks for Creative Entrepreneurs That Might Keep You Stuck

Murielle Marie
5 min readNov 30, 2021

It’s no secret that creative entrepreneurs can be their own worst enemy. As someone who identifies as one, I know how hard it can be to make progress on what you’re working on when you’re getting in your way. In this article, we’ll explore seven common stumbling blocks for multi-passionate creative entrepreneurs and discuss what keeps you stuck or unable to move forward on your projects, careers, or businesses.

You’re not flaky, you lack focus

How to focus on different things simultaneously and make progress on all of them without losing our mind? That’s the question we need to answer to be happy multi-passionate entrepreneurs or creative generalists.

In Western society particularly, our worth is tied to our productivity. If we’re not getting things done and getting them done quickly before the deadline is up, then we feel like a failure. A hurdle to this feeling of worthlessness comes from our mental blocks, often tied to limiting beliefs, negative thinking, or stress.

Creative entrepreneurs often struggle with productivity because they’re not sure where their focus should be at any given time — or how to juggle with all the things on their plate at the same time.

The key is not in getting more focused but getting less unfocused, moving between different tasks without getting stuck or feeling like we’re getting nothing done.

7 common stumbling blocks that might keep you stuck

#1 Not knowing what to get started with.

Aka having to make a choice. If I might change my mind later, why am I even starting? This is classic multi-passionate creative thinking, especially when you’ve experienced a change of heart before.

It would help if you remembered that choices are rarely forever, and you can always change your mind. Also, you don’t know where a choice can lead, which is exciting! So instead of overthinking every choice and doing nothing, choose something! You can always change your mind later!

#2 Specialist schedules.

Even when you allow yourself to focus on multiple projects simultaneously, you can still fall into the trap of specialist schedules: a rigidity to concentrate on one particular project and nothing else. If you’re anything like me, this will feel like you’re still trapped.

As creative generalists, we need to know that we’re allowed to let our minds wander and play with whatever interest comes up, even if only for a while. Of course, make sure you keep progress in mind and don’t go down too many rabbit holes at once or for too long. But do allow yourself some time for flexibility to be curious and to explore.

#3 Poor time management.

It’s an energetic thing; it’s a boundaries thing; it’s even a freedom thing. Time management, in essence, is self-management.

To improve how you use your time, you want to know how you work best first. To do this, you can keep track of what you’re spending your time on for a week, and I have a handy PDF you can download to help you do that here. Once you have a better grasp of what works for you, apply that to your schedule.

#4 Internalized beliefs.

What you believe to be true could be keeping you stuck. We all have limiting beliefs about ourselves that hold us back from making progress or reaching our full potential. You might recognize them as things like not being good enough, always getting lucky with every project you work on, no one will ever take me seriously.

What’s important is to become aware of your self-limiting thoughts and replace them with positive truths about yourself. For example, you might believe you’re not good at writing because your brother always got better grades than you or that getting any job is hard if our school results weren’t so great. But the truth could be that getting a job is hard for everyone, and you need to work on getting yourself out there.

#5 Fears and worries.

Besides limiting beliefs, our fears and worries are probably the biggest reason we stay stuck. Fears are the things that hold us back from getting started, getting out there, or showing ourselves and our work. We’re afraid of failing, not getting it right, and being judged for it.

What’s important to remember is that fears never go away — but they can be faced! You have to take little steps forward towards what you want to achieve, getting a little bit out there each time. Just by doing so, you will get more confident and fearless in the process!

#6 Lack of self-confidence and impostor syndrome.

Low self-confidence or feeling like someone is eventually going to find out about you will always keep you stuck. This is especially true if you’re a creative generalist. You want to be the best at everything, and that’s not possible!

The best thing to do to get rid of those feelings is to get clear on your strengths, how they can help you achieve what you want, and, most importantly, learn to trust yourself 100%. Because knowing that you always have your back is the most powerful feeling in the world!

#7 Not knowing when to quit.

On the other end of the spectrum, not knowing when to quit can be as problematic as not knowing when to start. For multi-passionate creatives especially quitting can be challenging.

Of course, there is no such thing as a perfect time to quit. But getting clear on what you want and especially what makes you happy can help you know when it’s time for you to move on. Also, remember that your definition of “done” is different than that of other people. Once you’ve learned everything there is to know about a subject, job, or even business, chances are you’ll be ready to move on.

I’ve been a creative entrepreneur for the past 20+ years and a coach for them for almost 8. In that time, I’ve seen many other creatives get stuck. I hope the common stumbling blocks and tips to overcome them that I shared with you today will help you move forward.

Before I go, I’d love to leave you with a question to ponder: what’s one thing you could do this week to challenge yourself creatively?

Originally published at https://www.muriellemarie.com on November 30, 2021.

Hi, I’m Murielle. I created the online course Smart Work™, a 6-week program to redefine productivity and help you get from overwhelm to flow, and I have a private coaching practice where I help ambitious, multi-passionate creatives and entrepreneurs start, grow & scale businesses, and create their freedom lifestyle. PS: I love Instagram. Let’s connect!



Murielle Marie

Mentor to the Unconventional. As a business & career coach I help multi-passionate creatives & entrepreneurs get unstuck. https://www.muriellemarie.com