Multi-Passionate Creatives: Why our Flakiness is a Symptom, Not a Flaw
As multi-passionate creatives we’re often told we’re flaky, we can’t stick to anything long enough to make it work. But the truth is, our flakiness is not a flaw but the symptom of a bigger problem.
As multi-passionate creatives we’re forced into an education system that doesn’t let our creativity flourish and where our many interests have to be put on hold. On the outside we do as we’re told, but inside we rebel against a system that isn’t made for us and we refuse to choose. It might not be obvious at first, but as time goes on our inner rebellion leaves a trail of unfinished projects on the shelves.
This makes us look flaky. We often stop before others think we’re done, or get discouraged by the lack of support we get when we finally have the courage to follow an interest or creative idea!
Flakiness is a symptom, not a flaw.
As multi-passionate creatives, we’re flaky because deep inside our needs for creativity, freedom and self-expression are ignored.
Growing up, I always thought that I would eventually be okay with having to choose one thing over all the others. But as time went by and my creativity became more and more expansive, it became increasingly difficult for me to choose just one thing to focus on.
Every day I thought about how much of myself was lost in all these pursuits: a quarter of me here, a third of me there. I felt so scattered because of how I thought I needed to approach projects, and the time I was supposed to spent on them.
There are so many things that I want to do — from writing to teaching to coaching to getting new and inspiring businesses of the ground.
If I had to choose the “one” thing, I wouldn’t be able to come up with anything.
Now, I know better.
The problem is not that we can’t choose one thing to focus on, it’s not that we’re flaky — the problem is that there are so many things out there for us to explore and try! We don’t need to choose, instead, we need to figure out how to make all of our interests work together into a life that is worth living.
This pressure to choose is why we’re flaky.
As multi-passionate creatives, our flakiness is a symptom of a bigger problem that needs to be solved: our hunger for knowledge, our need for diversity, and our unique creativity must be allowed to flourish and every interest must receive the attention we’re willing to give it.
Multi-passionate creatives need to be allowed to explore and not be forced to choose.
It starts by learning more about how our brain works and learning the tools that will keep us focused without robbing us of our many interests.
Here’s a few tips on how to get started:
- Tip #1: Give yourself a creative break: When you feel like quitting on an interest, put it on the shelf for a while first. Sometimes we need a break to get back into the flow of our passions.
- Tip #2: Work on what you’re enjoying right now: Don’t focus only on the things you “need to do”. Make time to do the things you enjoy, too. Especially if they don’t serve any other purpose than to feed your creative nature.
- Tip #3: Cut down on distractions: Turn off your phone or get into another room so you can focus. Even if you have many interests, when working on one leave the others at the door.
- Tip #4: Create multi-passionate boundaries: People will always try to tell you what to do. A great way to avoid having to listen to them, is to create what I call strong multi-passionate boundaries. It’s OK not to share what you’re currently interested in or working on with others. The less they know the better.
- Tip #5: Find your magic number: From personal experience and working with hundreds creative entrepreneurs I know that focusing on 3 to 5 projects at a time seems to work well for most multi-passionates. It keeps boredom at bay and is still manageable. What’s great about having a number is that you know you can always pick something else later.
- Tip #6: Organize your interests and passion projects: Keep track of all your projects in binders, on your computer, in a note on your phone. The more information you gather about all your interests, the more likely you are to take them further. As a bonus, you’ll also feel less scattered, which is always great for a mind like ours.
- Tip #7: Get creative with flakiness: When you’re feeling flaky, go ahead and let an interest slide. Don’t worry about what anyone will think or say, because you know best. And remember that you can always come back to the original one later.
I know it sounds so simple! But really, these tips will help you to feel more in control of your many interests and less flaky as a result.
Try them out, you’ll see.
Originally published at on July 27, 2021.
Hi, I’m Murielle. I created the online course Smart Work™, a 6-week program to redefine productivity and help you get from overwhelm to flow, and I have a private coaching practice where I help ambitious, multi-passionate creatives and entrepreneurs start, grow & scale businesses, and create their freedom lifestyle. PS: I love Instagram. Let’s connect!